Lood pressure, SBP: Systolic blood stress, VAS: Visual analogue scaleIndian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism / 2013 / Vol 17 / SupplementSTalwalkar, et al.: A1chieve study encounter from Mumbai, IndiaTable three: Caspase 4 Inhibitor Formulation Insulin doseInsulin dose, U/day Insulin na e Insulin users N 0 160 Pre-study 0 31.9 N 1952 160 Caspase 10 Inhibitor Compound Baseline 25.five 33.five N 1775 148 Week 24 24.6 29.Table 7: Biphasic insulin aspart ral glucose-lowering drug efficacy dataParameter Glycaemic manage (insulin na e) HbA1c, mean ( ) FPG, imply (mmol/L) PPPG, imply (mmol/L) Glycaemic control (insulin users) HbA1c, imply ( ) FPG, mean (mmol/L) PPPG, imply (mmol/L) N Baseline Week 24 Transform from baselineTable 4: General efficacy dataParameter Glycaemic handle (insulin na e) HbA1c, imply ( ) FPG, imply (mmol/L) PPPG, imply (mmol/L) Glycaemic control (insulin users) HbA1c, mean ( ) FPG, imply (mmol/L) PPPG, imply (mmol/L) Achievement of HbA1c 7.0 at week 24 Insulin na e ( of sufferers) Insulin customers ( of sufferers) N Baseline Week 24 Alter from baseline1169 12998.7 11.9 17.7.3 six.6 8.-1.5 -5.three -8.1545 17178.7 11.9 17.7.three six.six 8.-1.4 -5.3 -8.73 749.1 10.eight 17.7.five 6.7 9.-1.six -4.1 -8.HbA1c: Glycated haemoglobin A1c, FPG: Fasting plasma glucose, PPPG: Postprandial plasma glucose129 1369.two ten.six 17.7.four six.6 9.-1.8 -4.1 -7.Table eight: Basal+insulin aspart ral glucose-lowering drug safety dataParameter N Baseline Week 24 Alter from baseline176613.five 11.HbA1c: Glycated haemoglobin A1c, FPG: Fasting plasma glucose, PPPG: Postprandial plasma glucoseTable 5: Biphasic insulin aspart ral glucose-lowering drug security dataParameter Hypoglycaemia, events/patient-year Insulin na e Insulin users Physique weight, kg Insulin na e Insulin users Good quality of life, VAS scale (0-100) Insulin na e Insulin usersVAS: Visual analogue scaleNBaselineWeekChange from baselineHypoglycaemia, events/patient-year Insulin na e Insulin customers Bodyweight, kg Insulin na e Insulin customers Quality of life, VAS scale (0-100) Insulin na e Insulin usersVAS: Visual analogue scale27 26 250.0 1.0 69.eight 70.0.0 0.0 70.1 70.0.0 -1.0 0.4 0.2436.six 33.80.1 80.43.5 46.1471 90 13290.0 1.2 68.9 69.0.0 0.0 69.1 69.0.0 -1.2 0.2 0.Table 9: Insulin doseInsulin dose, U/day Insulin na e Insulin customers N 0 26 Prestudy 0 31.7 N 27 26 Baseline 44.1 44.two N 24 24 Week 24 32.3 35.130040.0 40.79.1 80.39.1 40.Table 10: Basal+insulin aspart ral glucose-lowering drug efficacy dataParameter Glycaemic control (insulin na e) HbA1c, imply ( ) FPG, imply (mmol/L) PPPG, mean (mmol/L) Glycaemic control (insulin customers) HbA1c, mean ( ) FPG, mean (mmol/L) PPPG, imply (mmol/L) N Baseline Week 24 Alter from baselineTable six: Insulin doseInsulin dose, U/day Insulin na e Insulin customers N 0 90 Pre-study 0 30.9 N 1471 90 Baseline 25.7 30.7 N 1353 85 Week 24 25.five 30.23 248.7 12.7 18.7.two six.six eight.-1.five -6.1 -9.basal + insulin aspart ?OGLDs for both insulin na e and insulin user groups [Table 10].Insulin detemir ?OGLD21 249.0 12.7 18.7.four six.6 eight.-1.six -6.1 -9.HbA1c: Glycated haemoglobin A1c, FPG: Fasting plasma glucose, PPPG: Postprandial plasma glucoseOf the total cohort, 313 sufferers started on insulin detemir ?OGLD was 313, of which 302 (96.five ) had been insulin na e and 11 (3.five ) have been insulin users. Just after 24 weeks of beginning or switching to insulin detemir,Shypoglycaemic events was nil in both insulin na e and user groups similar to baseline. Physique weight decreased and high-quality of life enhanced at 24 weeks [Tables 11 and 12].Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism / 2013 / Vol 17 / SupplementTalwalkar, et al.